
Meghan Muyanja

Meghan Muyanja


Meghan Muyanja has been a pioneer and the driving force in the development of John Adams Academy’s online program. Mrs. Muyanja has served in a variety of roles at the academy throughout her 9 years of service, including as Assistant Headmaster, Teacher, Grade Level Lead, and office support. She currently serves as the an Academy Deputy Superintendent and the Director of the online program

She has extensive experience in John Adams Academy’s American Classical Leadership Education model and holds a master’s degree in classical pedagogy. 

Mrs. Muyanja is an avid reader of the classics and has experienced firsthand the transformation of the mind and heart that comes through the truth, goodness, and beauty embedded in the classics. She has spent her entire career assisting scholars and families including her own five children in embarking on the classical journey themselves. 

Mrs. Muyanja wholeheartedly believes that JAA’s American Classical Leadership Education model is essential to developing servant leaders and is excited to bring this transformational experience to families through our online learning program.  

Mrs. Muyanja can be reached at